The club grounds sustained a lot of damage on the second flood, where the river level reached a record high and filled the lake up to the flag pole.
There is a lot of damage to the pontoons and dinghy park and car park
Work to do:
· Road to repair - holes filling
· Car park to re-surface complete
· New Pico dinghy park to repair
· gravel to retrieve from shore line - dredging
· pontoons to repair
· Water pump to refurbish
A lot of work to do before the new season starts
I plan to have Sunday as working days from next Sunday onwards until complete
If anyone can join in and help please come down 9:30 - 4:0 ish.
If you have not checked your dinghy and dinghy park area for damage then I do suggest you go down and check, as boats were found in fields and in trees (no kidding)
Best regards
Paul Karran
Commodore Otley Sailing Club
Senior instructor
Powerboat Instructor